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Physical Workshops

One of Naolí's passions is teaching and she has been sharing her knowledge through personalized workshops throughout the world since the 1990's. To Naolí, each workshop is a birth, as each one is creative and unique and participants always have the opportunity to exchange and learn in a deeply human level.  Sisterhoods of women are born from Naolí's workshops, as she as a gift for weaving intimacy, art, science and creative dynamics into her teachings.


Her workshops last between 1 and 14 days, and are taught by her in either english, Spanish, Portuguese or french, and occasionally are also taught in bilingual format.

Ideal for midwives, doulas, mothers, childbirth educators, hospital personnel and the general public.

Naoli loves engaging in the great diversity of human experience in the world.  She often works with local workshop organizers to custom design experiences, drawn from the above workshops, that fit the needs of their particular region or country.  If you are interested in having Naoli come to your region for a workshop, seminar or talk, please send us an email and we will do our best to fit it into her schedule.

Upcoming Workshops

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