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Length: 1-2 days


Wholistic Midwifery

Combining traditional & contemporary midwifery practices

Length: lecture or 1 day 

About this workshop:

The practices of traditional midwifery,  scientific-evidence-based midwifery & obstetrics, all have their vital importance in contributing to the practices and the deeper understanding of the nature of birth. 

This lecture or short workshop illuminates the bridges that can connect and bring together the best of the two worlds.

Who's this workshop for?

This workshop is recommended for midwives, nurses, doctors, doulas, therapists, mothers/mothers-to-be and any one interested in deepening the understanding on these topics.


Holistic Midwifery - Combining Traditional and Contemporary Practices can be a lecture or a small workshop. In the case of a lecture, there will be a question and answer session and discussion groups at the end, where we can all share, reflect, and deepen our understanding of our own practices. When it comes to a 1-day workshop, the possibilities of working in groups to discover the connections between ways of working and caring, the shortcomings and strengths, as well as the visions for a more connected future between the various types of midwifery/obstetrics are great possibilities of this workshop. Naolí invites us to expand and integrate these practices to help us navigate in this complex world we live in today.


  • Traditional midwifery around the world

  • Medicalized midwifery & obstetrics in the world

  • Experiential Traditional Wisdom

  • Evidence-Based Midwifery Knowledge

  • Intuitive Birth Awareness

  • Instinctual Mother/Baby Intelligence

  • Understanding Forces & Rhythms of Nature

  • Combining all Principles & Practices

  • Case Scenario to integrate all principles and practices

  • Working Together for Birth

Photo & Video Gallery

Naoli erotic art 2010 1.JPG

Physical Workshops

Art of Birth

Challenging Births

Mexican Postpartum

Rebozo for Birth - Masterclass 1

Rebozo for Birth - Masterclass 2

Rebozo for Birth - Teacher Training
Natural Ultrasound

Natural Remedies

Homeopathy for Birth

Wholistic Midwifery

Tantric Birth

Sacred Sexuality

Art of Birth Online
Resource Learning Center

Naoli's physical workshops offer an up-close, direct hands-on learning experience.  It is recommended to be complemented with the Art of Birth "online platform" containing videos and educational materials offering an intensive detailed resource for constant reference and study.


"Ancestral midwifery has always understood and respected the physiology of childbirth"

- Naoli Vinaver

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