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Birth Wisdom

  • 26 etapas
Obtenha um certificado ao concluir o programa.
Quem concluir todas as etapas receberá um selo.


In the "Birth Wisdom ~ Online Program" by Naolí Vinaver, you will find various didactic videos. This program focuses on topics which explore and expand our understanding of birth, therefore enhancing our practices as birth professionals. Reflecting, questioning, re-signifying and reformulating one's practice is a must for birth practitioners who wish to continue growing and learning throughout our years of experience. The "Birth Wisdom ~ Online Program" brings together diverse subject matters which demand our attention and our continuous exploration. This program includes study guides and quizzes, as well as a detailed time index for each video for easy access to very quickly find the reference you need. When completing this program, you will obtain a badge and a certification for the "Birth Wisdom ~ Online Program" completion. Please note: refer to the "Challenging Births" and "Rebozo for Birth" Online Programs for references to difficulties that can arise during labor and birth. This program is in 4 languages: English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

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