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Midwifery Today

Partner USA

"Art of Birth Online - Resource Learning Center"

To sign up through our Midwifery Today

 partner page use coupon code:  

MT (all caps)

We are offering you a special invitation to participate in the Art of Birth Online Resource Learning Center  â€‹offered in English, Spanish, Portuguese & French.  Naolí works with selected participating birth organizations worldwide.  By registering through Midwifery Today you help contribute to the work of this extended family of birth.

Midwifery Today
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From Naoli ~

​I am teaming up with Midwifery Today, an organization that I have worked with and truly admire, so that together we can continue to bring the best opportunities of education to birth professionals as well as pregnant & birthing women around the world.

I have been working and traveling as a conference speaker for decades all around the world beginning with Jan Tritten and her Midwifery Today  team on many occasions, all the way back to 1992.  Jan is an amazing visionary and conference organizer and I would go to the end of the world with her!  Teaching workshops and being an author for MT have been tremendous enriching and delightful experiences!

​We are coming together now in these interestingly challenging times, to make available my ​"Resource Learning Center ~ The Art of Birth Online" program at a very low rate to make it easy for you to sign up and participate. The program complements beautifully the workshops we will be able to do in person when the world will allow.  Welcome and thank you for joining us!
~ ​Naolí Vinaver

Midwifery Today

From Jan ~
​Naoli and I have been working together, traveling and planning conferences for Midwifery Today since our first conference in 1992. She has presented possibly as many as 100 or more diverse and unique classes for us at events all over the world—from China to the Caribbean and all over Europe. Her teaching style is warm and inspirational. 

She presents a great balance of stories, insights, and evidence. I trust her because her information is accurate; it is also presented in a captivating style. Her deep care for midwives, as well as mothers and babies, always comes through.

We also work on articles for Midwifery Today magazine. Her writing style is as stimulating as her teaching! With her warm, loving personality, she is a joy to work with. She always has important information, intuitions, and ideas to impart.
As I searched through the many photos from conferences, I was reminded of all the good times and shared experiences we have had. I am so excited about our new partnership and the chance to collaborate again.

~ ​Jan Tritten

About Midwifery Today

Midwifery Today is a magazine that, through networking and education, works on returning midwifery care to its rightful position in the family; to make midwifery care the norm throughout the world; and to redefine midwifery as a vital partnership with women. 

Since 1986, the magazine has grown into a business that publishes a quarterly magazine and produces a biweekly e-mail newsletter. 

In addition, they seek to unify all birth practitioners. When we stand together, we form a powerful block. Let’s work together to promote good, safe midwifery care, and to formulate good education strategies for those who aspire to work in birth. Let’s strengthen our ties to midwives around the world!

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