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Naolí Vinaver
Inventor - Creator

Through her over 35 years as a midwife, Naolí has invented & created many useful birth related tools and techniques, which she has shared with thousands of women and birth professionals around the globe. 

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Naoli Vinaver's Natural Ultrasound first invented by her in Mexico, 1992.
Naoli Vinaver teaching the Natural Ultrasound Technique on her Workshop.
Naoli Vinaver teaching the Natural Ultrasound Technique on her Workshop.

Naolí's Natural Ultrasound


In 1992 I created an artistic technique called NATURAL ULTRASOUND. This came out of the empathic understanding that the rural women I served had no access to modern medical care, including ultrasound. 
This technique provided a beautiful emotional connection between the parents, their children and the unborn child still in utero. After creating and teaching the Natural Ultrasound all over the world for over 25 years, I am honored to notice that other people in the birth world have incorporated my technique in their work


How the name came about


"In the year 2000, I was teaching this technique along with rebozo at a Midwifery Today conference in Philadelphia, USA.  Even though I had been working for a number of years with Natural ultrasound, but I did not have a name for it yet.  One night, when I was having dinner with my speaker colleagues Michel Odent, Ina May Gaskin, Elizabeth Davis, Marina Alzugaray and a few others, we were discussing what a beautiful alternative this technique was to the typical technological ultrasound. In trained hands it accurately details, the position of the baby, the amount of amniotic liquid and the close approximation of the baby's size, all accomplished with loving connected touch instead of cold machinery that takes you out of the connected body experience.  During the dinner we collectively came up with a name for my technique, called "Natural Ultrasound" because we all felt that it is a non-invasive, accurate and more humane alternative to traditional ultrasound which has not yet been proven safe up to date".

– Naolí Vinaver

Naolí's Original
Rebozo Maneuvers

Naoli Vinaver demonstrating one of the multiple rebozo techniques on her Workshop.

Naolí has been working with traditional Mexican rebozo for birth since 1987. Through the 1800+ births, creatively solving many home birth challenges, she has developed her own specialized rebozo birth techniques that she has shared through workshops, seminars and talks with thousands of women around the world.


Naolí's 12 Original Rebozo Maneuvers for birth include: 


  • “Naolí Breech to Cephalic Maneuver with Rebozo” (within the “Naolí Breech-Turning Protocol” -Three Stages)

  • “Naolí Breech Water Flip” - Three Techniques

  • "Naolí Double Rebozo Shake-down Fetal Engaging Maneuver” 

  • “Naolí Maneuver from Oblique to Cephalic with Rebozo”

  • “Naolí Fetal Centralizing Maneuver with Rebozo”

  • “Naolí Fetal Disengaging Maneuver with Rebozo, Face Up”

  • “Naolí Maneuver for Fetal Disengaging with Rebozo & Percussion”

  • “Naolí Fetal Disengaging Maneuver with Rebozo & Vaginal Exam”

  • “Naolí Pelvic Expansion Rebozo Maneuver”

  • “Naolí Pelvic Expansion Rebozo Maneuver Standing”

  • “Naolí Triple Rebozo Wrap for Fetal Engaging Under Pubic Bone”

  • “Naolí Complete Pelvic Expansion Rebozo Maneuver”

Naolí's Drop of Gold Products

Drop of Gold natural product line developed by Naoli Vinaver

Drop of Gold is Naolí's brand of specialized birth related oils, ointments and lotions that she developed through her many years of working with birth. Naolí has created and used these products to aid countless women and babies during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum periods. 


  • Mantelicia - It is soothing and healing buttery ointment which prevents stretch-marks of the skin during pregnancy and lacerations of the perineum to ease the baby's birth. It's special blend of ozonized virgin olive oil, aloe vera, vitamin E, karite and cacao butter and bees' wax also makes it perfect to sooth and heal baby's diaper rash.

  • Nova Skin - An astringent lotion for the skin to recover its firmness after pregnancy or weight loss. Some of its healing ingredients include a mixture of Mexican and Brazilian herbs and medicinal plants.

  • Ozonioli - It is a healing antiseptic spray of highly ozonized extra virgin olive oil. It is a great cellular regenerator, also effective against bacteria, fungus and virus. Some uses include, fast healing of perineal tears, nipple cracks, cord care and diaper rash.

The Drop of Gold products will available through our web store (which is coming soon). If you would like to order the products directly now, please click on the link and fill out the contact form with your request.

Naolí's Birth Poof

Pregnant Mariana Niemeyer using the birth puff developed by Naoli Vinaver
Mariana Niemeyer and her husband Fabiano Valerio using Naoli Vinaver´s birth puff as support for a demonstration

When Naolí was pregnant with her second baby in 1995, she wanted to give birth in a "natural squatting position" while remaining comfortable and relaxed. It was then she began developing her now much used Birth Poof.

Being a midwife and a mother, in the following years she perfected the most comfortable bean-bag style birthing chair.  It has been and is currently being used by hundreds of birthing mothers.

Some of the features of Naolí's Birth Poof are:

  • Late-pregnancy heartburn can be alleviated by sleeping comfortably slightly upright.

  • Early labor support in various positions, to enable rest, massages and descent of baby without effort.

  • During last stages of birth it aids in baby's descent without hindering the outlet.

  • When the baby's head is challenged in passing under the pubic bone, then leaning further back on the birth poof will certainly help.

  • Naolí's Rebozo Pelvic Expanding Maneuver can be effectively used while sitting on the Birth Poof!

  • The legs of the birth poof can be secured more or less open with its velcro fasteners.

  • Immediate postpartum mother/baby bonding can take place very comfortably while laying back with her head resting on the birth poof and her arms supported by the Birth Poof's legs.

  • Long-term supported breastfeeding in a relaxed position while using the Birth Poof on the bed, floor or garden!

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