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  • What about my membership in the old original Art of Birth website?
    Do not worry, your active subscription in the old website will continue for its full duration. The old website will be maintained & updated until July 2025. For those of you who are members of the old website, we have created a very easy pathway to migrate into the new website, which has everything from the old website, plus more features including Online Programs and much more!
  • What are the benefits of becoming a Site Member?
    Signing up to become a "free" Site Member offers some really nice benefits: Birth World Videos - an interesting large collection of interviews with birth professionals around the globe. Naolí Live Session - you can participate in the quarterly Zoom sessions with Naolí to join discussions with her on birth related topics. Art of Birth Newsletter - sent out monthly to inform members on Resource Learning Center news. Art of Birth Forum - have discussions with members from over 60 countries. However, we recommend signing up to The Art of Birth Online Resource Learning Center to get access to all the Birth related didactic educational videos, online programs & more!
  • Does it cost anything to be a site member?
    No, being a site member is totally free and offers some nice perks...
  • Once I sign up how do I access my Member Area?
    Go to the footer of any page and click on "Free Site Member"
  • ​My credit card did not go through; what should I do?
    Make sure that the billing name is the same as the name on the credit card Make sure you have sufficient funds and your credit card is not expired Make sure you entered all the numbers correctly If the card is still not working, you may need to contact your bank and consent the payment (if it's international). If you are still having trouble CONTACT US and we will help you to get signed up.
  • How do I update my payment method?
    If you need to update your payment information, just go to your Members dashboard on the site. There you will be able to enter your new information and pay your membership renewal. If needed please CONTACT US with any questions.
  • How do I cancel my membership subscription?
    If you ever need to cancel your subscription it's very easy, just go to your membership dashboard and cancel.
  • Where do Naolí's physical workshops take place?
    Naolí usually organizes two "Art of Birth" workshops per year in the beautiful island of Florianópolis, Brazil . These workshops last 8-10 days and usually take place in November and March. Naolí also accepts invitations from specific workshop organizers around the world, to teach workshops drawn from the many workshop options that she offers.
  • How do I know when Naolí's workshops are happening?
    Go to the Events Calendar to see all of the past and upcoming workshops.
  • How do I sign up for an upcoming workshop?
    Go to the particular workshop in the Events Calendar and click to find out event details.
  • How do I organize a workshop in my region with Naolí?
    Naolí has taught workshops in over 35 countries around the world, working with wonderful and dedicated organizers who provide the following: Find and arrange the venue Create flyers and market the workshop Handle registrations for the workshop Other details to be arranged via a contract There are many people who would like Naolí to offer one of her workshops in their country and region. Please contact our team if you are interested in hosting a workshop.
  • What are the Rebozo for Birth Master Classes?
    The Rebozo for Birth Master Class is a series of 3 advanced workshops for professionals to deepen their knowledge and practice of the use and application of the Mexican Rebozo for Birth: Rebozo Masterclass 1 Rebozo Masterclass 2 Rebozo Teacher Training Please go to the Rebozo Master Class physical workshops to learn more.
  • What happens when I fill out the registration request to attend one of Naolí's workshops?
    You will be contacted by our team to answer any questions you may have, and to approve your participation (based on availability) in order to proceed with the payment and registration.
  • For Naolí's workshops outside of Florianópolis - Brazil, how do I subscribe?
    Naolí works with specific organizers who handle the registration process for workshops outside of Florianópolis - Brazil and they will answer any of your questions about the workshop and venue, payments and your registration. The event calendar of that particular workshop will have the contact information of the organizer.
  • What is the Art of Birth Resource Learning Center and who is it for?
    The Art of Birth Resource Learning Center is a comprehensive & unique time-indexed natural birth video library including organized educational online programs and much more. Here Naolí shares her didactic, practical & technical wisdom, combining Mexican & multicultural traditional midwifery wisdom with contemporary science evidence-based knowledge. The online platform is ideal for Midwives, Nurses, Obstetricians, Doulas, Pregnant Women and Aspiring Mothers, Couples, Therapists in general, and all interested people in the universe of birth and sexuality.
  • ​What is the difference between the monthly and annual memberships?
    The "Monthly Membership" gives you access to: Monthly Featured - 2-3 Topic videos + Birth Story & Birth World videos Naolí Live Sessions - quarterly in 4 languages Art of Birth Forum - with members from over 60 countries The "Annual Membership" gives you access to: Birth Video Library - 60+ time-indexed videos & growing Online Programs - 8+ programs with certification process Monthly Featured - 2-3 Topic videos + Birth Story & Birth World videos Naolí Live Sessions - quarterly in 4 languages Live Session Archive - of all previous live sessions Art of Birth Forum - with members from over 60 countries The Annual membership offers the best value and access to the most material.
  • Does it matter when I sign up?
    With the Annual Membership, you are joining the Art of Birth Online "Resource Learning Center" so it really doesn't matter, because regardless of the time of your registration, you will have access to all the topic videos with study materials, all of the self-paced Online Programs and also the recordings of the monthly LIVE sessions. Also, you can work along with everyone on the focused monthly topics. With the Monthly Membership you will have access to the focused monthly content (2-3 videos with study materials + Quarterly Live Session + bonus material) during each month of your subscription so any start date is fine.
  • If I've already done a physical workshop should I sign up for the online version?
    Yes! They are actually very complementary to each other. The physical workshops are great for hands on interactive group experiences and the "Art of Birth Online Resource Learning Center" is perfect for going over a great variety of topics in depth with a chance to study, review and learn at your own pace. They really go hand in hand....
  • How will I know when new videos are uploaded?
    New videos are always included on the current "Monthly Features" page so all members can view, study and participate in the related focused ​LIVE discussions with Naolí and other members. They are also integrated into the Video Library & Online Programs.
  • What happens at the end of my membership subscription?
    At the end of your 1-year or 1-month member subscription you can let it renew automatically to continue taking advantage of the new material added regularly. Most people want to continue their membership as the Resource Learning Center has so much rich & diverse learning content easily accessible for study & reference. It is truly a natural Birth Reference library. You can also cancel if you decide.
  • What is the Video Library?
    This extensive library of Naolí's 60+ educational birth videos is sortable & time-indexed with detailed chapter markers. So, if you need a specific reference during a birth, or to quickly find a particular topic, the vast number of techniques & information can be easily found with just one or two clicks!
  • What is the difference between the topic videos and quarterly live sessions?
    The Topic Videos are lovingly produced HD videos of around 10-60 minutes, covering important birth related topics drawn from Naolí's vast experience accompanying births and conducting workshops since 1986. The LIVE Sessions are focused sharing sessions with Naolí conducted in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Naolí will be virtually traveling around the world through the sessions. (they are recorded and made available to all Annual members).
  • How is the Video Library organized?
    You can explore the many topic videos by just browsing through the library or selecting a specific "Category". To refine your search even further select from the detailed "Tag Cloud". The videos are time-indexed with chapter markers for quick reference to find a specific technique or maneuver.
  • What are Online Programs?
    All of the videos contained in the "Video Library" have also been organized into 6+ educational, self-paced "Online Programs" that include study guides, quizzes & other materials leading to certification in: Rebozo for Birth Challenging Births Pre-natal Wisdom Birth Wisdom Post-natal Wisdom Birth Concepts Also included in the Online Programs are 3 video collections: Expectant Parents Collection Birth Story Collection Birth World Collection We encourage other members to become an annual member to have access to all the content of the Art of Birth Resource Learning Center.
  • What happens when I finish an Online Program?
    When you complete all the steps of an online program, by watching all the videos and taking all the quizzes, you will earn a badge and receive a certificate of completion for that particular program. To learn more about certificates go to the Certificates FAQ.
  • What happens when new videos are added to a program after I finish?
    Although each online program is very full of rich content, you will be happy to know that we are constantly adding new material that will be added to the appropriate existing program. So when you finish a particular online program and see there is a new video added, just make sure to watch and take the associated quiz to keep yourself up to date.
  • What are the Naolí Live Sessions?
    Every quarter Naolí conducts a Zoom session in 4 languages: English, Spanish, French & Portuguese for all of the members. Here you can discuss with her the current featured topic videos & get answers to other questions you may have.
  • What if I miss watching the quarterly live session?
    Not to worry! The Quarterly LIVE Sessions are recorded and stored in the Live Archive, so "Annual Members" will have access to the recorded content even if they miss the LIVE session with Naolí. We encourage other members to become an annual member to have access to all the content of the Art of Birth Resource Learning Center.
  • What is the Art of Birth Forum?
    This new Art of Birth Forum is one of the features of being in the Art of Birth Resource Learning Center. This forum is an opportunity to bring together all of our amazing members from around the world who have incredibly varied birth backgrounds and experiences. Here you can participate in the wisdom and human richness everyone brings. We are a culturally diverse, vibrant birth community!
  • What language is the Forum in?
    Please feel free to post in the language you are the most comfortable with. If you are posting in one of the site languages (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese) choose the provided subcategory. For all other languages just use the appropriate main category and post in your own language. People reading your post will translate to their own language, and you can do the same when reading their posts or comments.
  • Are there certificates for the Art of Birth Online Programs?
    Yes, certificates are available! Annual Members have access to all of the current Art of Birth Online Programs, offering: videos, study guides & reference material, and quizzes, leading to certification in each of the Online Programs completed: Rebozo for Birth Certificate Challenging Births Certificate Pre-natal Wisdom Certificate Birth Wisdom Certificate Post-natal Wisdom Certificate Birth Concepts Certificate
  • What about the original Art of Birth Online Certification (Exam 1) that I already completed?
    Please note that the original Art of Birth Online Exam 1 (available in our previous website) covered the first 24 Topic Videos we created. Though it is no longer available as such here in the new website, it is still valid for all those who earned the original Art of Birth Online certificate. If you earned the original Art of Birth Online Certification (Exam 1) from our previous website, it means that you accomplished and passed the following criteria: Completed 12 months of membership in the Art of Birth Online platform Watched & studied all 24 "Topic Videos" included in Exam 1 Completed all 24 Topic Video Study Quizzes included in Exam 1 Completed the 250 question exam with a score of 90% or higher The original Art of Birth Online Exam 1 Certification is equivalent to 200 hours of study. Also, you will be glad to know that all of the questions you answered in the original study quizzes & in the Art of Birth Online Certification (Exam 1) have been incorporated into the new Online Program quizzes. This means that for those of you who have taken the original exam, some of the questions contained in each quiz of the new online program will just be a nice and easy review.
  • Will there be a future complete Art of Birth Online Exam and certification?
    A new complete "Art of Birth Online Certification Exam" for all the programs combined will be available sometime in the future. It will be a thorough exam, containing questions taken directly from each of the Online Program quizzes. We will keep you posted of its availability...
  • What will be the criteria for taking the new complete Art of Birth Online Exam when available?
    When the new complete Art of Birth Online Exam becomes available, it will be based on the following criteria: Complete your first 12 months of membership in the Art of Birth Online platform Complete all 6 of the online programs and associated quizzes Optionally watch the Birth Story & Birth World collections We will keep you posted when the new complete Art of Birth Online Exam becomes available.
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